Robotech Stories – Automate from field to plate
- 05 March 2025 (3 min read)
In our last issue of Robotech Stories, we explored the exciting potential of modern robotics and automation to revolutionise even the most traditional of industries. Saving costs, reducing inefficiencies and improving sustainability is expected to benefit companies and a multitude of stakeholders, including investors.
Agriculture presents another compelling example of the diverse robotech opportunity set. The basic human need for food production unites our global marketplace. This is a fundamental need which will never go away, and will only increase in line with a growing global population; against a backdrop of existing global food security inequality, it is predicted that record levels of food production will be needed to meet demand.1 Yet, our natural resources are finite. Half of the world’s habitable land is already used for agriculture.2 Traditional farming has historically used inefficient, unsustainable and pollutive methods to meet demand. We need to do more, with less. Governments and corporations alike are increasingly making commitments to tackle the nutrition crisis.3
Similarly, the industry faces growing financial pressure from multiple angles - increased fertiliser costs, the impact of variable weather on crops, volatile commodity prices and the cost and availability of manual labour.4 The McKinsey Global Farmer Insights report, which surveys thousands of farmers globally, identified the implementation of agtech solutions to boost productivity as a priority for farmers in 2024.5
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- PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWNraW5zZXkuY29tL2luZHVzdHJpZXMvYWdyaWN1bHR1cmUvb3VyLWluc2lnaHRzL2dsb2JhbC1mYXJtZXItaW5zaWdodHMtMjAyNCI+Vm9pY2Ugb2YgdGhlIGdsb2JhbCBmYXJtZXIgMjAyNDogRmFybWVyIHN1cnZleSB8IE1jS2luc2V5PC9hPg==
Trimble, the software and hardware solutions provider we touched upon during the construction story, also serves to illustrate the tangible effect these disruptive capabilities can have within agriculture. The same workflow optimisation principles apply where Trimble’s precision farming tools help optimise field management, reduce resource consumption, and boost yields. By enabling smarter operations, Trimble plays a crucial role in improving both sustainability and profitability across multiple industries.
Beyond farming, food automation is also transforming the way food is processed and delivered safely to consumers. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored vulnerabilities in food supply chains, highlighting the critical need for improved hygiene, contamination prevention, and reduced reliance on manual labor in processing facilities. JBT Marel, a leader in food processing automation, is addressing these challenges by developing advanced robotic systems that enhance safety and efficiency. Their automated food processing equipment minimises human contact with food, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring higher safety standards. Additionally, JBT Marel’s technologies improve traceability, allowing producers to track ingredients from farm to table - helping prevent food recalls and ensuring regulatory compliance.
By integrating automation across the entire food chain—from precision agriculture to processing and packaging—the industry can achieve safer, more efficient, and more sustainable food production. As food security, sustainability, and hygiene remain critical global challenges, companies offering innovative automation solutions in this space present compelling long-term investment opportunities.
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